MA in Environment and Society

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New Doctoral Program with Augsburg University Coming to the RCC

Rethinking Environment: The Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society


The RCC has received funding from the Elite Network of Bavaria (Elitenetzwerk Bayern) for the formation of a joint doctoral program with Augsburg University. The international doctoral program "Rethinking Environment: The Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society" (Um(welt)denken. Die Environmental Humanities und die ökologische Transformation der Gesellschaft) will bring together experts from both universities, offering an inter- and transdisciplinary doctoral program. Due to begin in October 2021, Augsburg University will host seven PhD students and the RCC five, with the RCC's Dr. Simone Müller serving as deputy director.

For more information about the "Rethinking Environment" doctoral program, click here. To learn more about the programs funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, click here.