MA in Environment and Society

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BIOTOPIA’s “EAT” Food Festival

“Eat—Wie Schmeckt die Zukunft”

26.05.2019 10:00  – 20:00 

How and what will we eat in the future? How do our eating habits shape the planet? Is synthetically produced meat a real alternative, or will we be choosing the algae burger after all?

In a way that is as delicious as it is thoughtful, the "EAT" festival will explore food in all its myriad dimensions, from the perspectives of innovative startups, artists, and chefs, to insights into the latest scientific research on future food and eating behavior. With interactive events like workshops, “hackerspaces,” cooking demonstrations, and product stalls, you can learn about and experience food and food futures like never before.

RCC director Christof Mauch will be hosting a discussion panel on circular economies and food waste, and current RCC fellow Elisabeth Abergel will be participating in a panel on cultured meats during the “Meat the Future” exhibition.
See the "EAT" webpage for more information.